

Your last name will be on a “Will Call” list at the door when you check-in.
Tickets are NOT required for entry. 

Call 254-675-1954 for questions, changes, or requests. 

VIP Sombrero Tables (8 seats)

Includes 1 table 8 VIP Prime Seating

VIP Goody Bag

First Access to Buffet * VIP Host

Decorated Table Arrangement to take home

Prominent Display of the Company Logo at the event

Facebook Recognition

Chamber Blasts and Webpage Exposure

7 Available

Maraca Table (8 seats)

Includes 1 table 8, Center Seating in room

Prominent Display of the Company Logo at the event

Facebook Recognition

Chamber Blasts and Webpage Exposure

5 Available

Pinata Tables (4 seats)

Includes 4 seats

Facebook Recognition

Chamber Blasts and Webpage Exposure

5 Available

Individual Ticket Seating

22 Available